Friday, 17 December 2010

JANUARY 2011 - Vol. 33 No. 1

Dear Friends
Well, that’s Christmas over for another year. It will soon be time to dismantle the tree, take down the cards and put away the decorations. Then there are the “thank you” letters, emails or text messages to send and, for some, the tiresome business of changing items that aren’t quite right. Thinking of that line in the poem “Christmas” by John Betjeman about “hideous tie so kindly meant”, I wonder how many of us pretended to be pleased with a garment we’re never likely to wear, or an ornament that will only be on display when the giver comes to visit. With this comes a feeling of guilt because we know that a relative or friend has spent time and money on this gift and we should be grateful. Then there are the toys that are soon discarded or broken, and the gadgets that don’t work properly, not to mention the chocolates, biscuits or toiletries that come in handy for us to give to the person we’d forgotten to buy for, or which find their way in the new year to a charity raffle or tombola.

I’m sure most of us have, at some time, given or received a Christmas present that failed to please. Yet some people seem to have the knack of choosing just the right gift, which might be simple and inexpensive, but which shows an understanding of the needs and tastes of the recipient, and which is given and received with love. The greatest Christmas gift of all was just what the world needed, even if the world didn’t know its need. This gift, the child born at Christmas to be our Saviour, was given with love, by God. For those who have received that very precious gift with gratitude Christmas is not over after all. This is a gift for life, and a gift that gives life. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

As we go forward into another year, the Church follows the story of Jesus Christ through his life, his ministry and his teachings, until we come to his death and resurrection and his ascension into heaven. Then we see how Jesus continues to be with his friends, through the gift of the Holy Spirit who empowered the first Christians to spread the Gospel message, and who empowers Christians today to live for Jesus and to share his love. Whether we gave and received many Christmas gifts or few, and irrespective of how much they were appreciated and enjoyed, there is a far greater gift which can be ours. Those who accept this gift and open their hearts to Jesus can know his presence with them, not just at Christmas and New Year, but always.

With love and prayers that God will bless you in the coming year,
Glynis Hetherington

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