Saturday, 21 November 2009

A Message from the Rector

Dear Friends

Christmas is coming. At this time of year people often ask, "Are you nearly ready for Christmas?" The questions is often about Christmas shopping, getting the cards written and posted, preparing or buying all that extra food. When I am asked if I'm getting ready for Christmas I am never quite sure whether the question is about plans for Church services or preparations on the domestic front. The latter can be left a bit longer, but the Church preparations have to start early. So many people are involved. Singers, musicians and handbell ringers practise for weeks before taking part in services. People who arrange flowers and decorate churches have to start planning in plenty of time. There are numerous practical jobs that need to be done, and the more people there are involved, the more important it is to get started early.

So with all this going on it takes the pressure off when the tasks are shared. One task that is now being shared among the clergy in the South Notts Cluster is the monthly letter for the magazine. It makes quite a difference not having to compose a letter every month. I know some people are not so keen on the clergy taking it in turns, whilst others appreciate the fresh viewpoint that a different member of the Cluster team can offer. Personally, I enjoy reading the letters written by my clergy colleagues. This month Glenn has given us some food for thought, so do read his letter and ponder its message.

As for me, while the various preparations for Christmas are in progress, I am aware once again that long, long before the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, God had been preparing the world for the coming of his Son. We think about that in Advent as we remember the Patriarchs, the Prophets, John the Baptist and Mary the Mother of Jesus. These are key characters in the Bible, people who had a special part to play in God's plans and preparations. During Advent, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we also think of God's plan that one day Christ will return to judge the world and to establish his perfect rule of justice and peace.

In the midst of your plans and preparations, as you get ready to celebrate Christmas, may you ponder the deeper meaning of the season.

I wish you love, joy and peace this Christmas and always.

Glynis Hetherington.

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