There is a prayer which begins “Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who desireth not the death of a sinner, but rather than he may turn from his wickedness and live...” A popular hymn includes the words, “The vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives.” We often sing it with great gusto, but do we really believe that the vilest offender, even someone like Osama bin Laden, could have been forgiven if he had turned from his wickedness? Christians believe that, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, sin and selfishness are put to death, the slate is wiped clean, and a new life can begin. The offer of forgiveness is for all, whatever the scale of our wrongdoing, but we have to turn away from all that is wrong, and allow our hearts to be changed.
The war against terrorism goes on. Removing one vile offender who has not repented will not remove the threat of terror, nor the reality of suffering in a world where there is much wickedness. What really makes a difference is a complete change of mind and heart. Then God’s healing, forgiving love can flow into a person’s heart, making them new. In the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 9 we have the story of Saul who persecuted Christians until he had a dramatic experience on the Damascus Road. Saul, otherwise known as Paul, went on to become the most ardent follower of Jesus Christ, spreading the good news, bringing people to faith and starting churches. Jesus Christ still changes lives today and, ultimately, it is changed lives that will make the world a better place.
Glynis Hetherington