Monday, 20 October 2008

November 2008 - Vol. 30 Issue No. 11


Dear All,

First of all I want to say thank you for all those who attended my recent licensing at St Michael’s Church and made it such a special occasion. Thank you. It is good to be with you as the new priest in charge and with wider links to the South Notts Cluster. I look forward to all that ministry here has to offer and to sharing something of the love of God together.

At the time of writing we are approaching the season of Advent. So often forgotten as everyone has their eyes on Christmas. But Advent is a good time because it is a time of preparation, a time to listen, a time to get ready, a time to reflect. So often our lives are busy, busy, busy and we spend little time other than doing and moving on to the next thing. Advent reminds us that in the waiting there is a way... and that sometimes in the waiting new seeds of life in all sorts of ways begin to germinate and are looking for water and light to help them to grow and develop. Grow and develop in the right way at the right time. Advent tells us that we are waiting too. Waiting for the reminder of the Christmas Child and all that that brings. But with a difference because in our waiting and stillness, if we allow it to be, God can prepare our hearts for what lies ahead, for what is necessary for our lives and spiritual growth, and for seeds to take hold and grow.

What is God beginning to grow in you? What is He encouraging you to develop, become, aim for? Let Advent be a time of preparation for you in a new way in listening, being still, and hearing God speaking. The waiting is sometimes the way and sometimes the greater way for the gift to come. Let Him speak and be renewed ready for all that He is calling you to do and be.

Happy Advent.
Glenn Martin